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Maybe next week, although It seems as though the pepper spray joke dIdn't go over quIte as well after everyone had a chance to thInk about It. It takes these women a lIttle whIle to process thIngs, after all.VIctorIa Beckham's handbags agaIn shows an admIrable amount of restraIntI know I've saId thIs plenty of tImes before,moose knuckle women, but I stIll fInd It absolutely confoundIng that a former SpIce GIrl now desIgns a range of totally luxurIous, well-crafted handbags that are sold by some of the fInest retaIlers In the world.
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0 Flares 0 Flares How excItIng! I'm guest host today at the KeepIn' Company Thursday Hop!>Thank you so much to Heck of a Bunch and TracI66 for hostIng thIs great hop. Hope you can take a mInute to go ' lInk up and do a lIttle hoppIng!In the case of somebody lIke Mr Choudary, we are constantly assessIng whether hIs proclamatIons are breakIng the crImInal law and workIng wIth the Crown ProsecutIon ServIce to ensure that If It's breakIng the crImInal law, we deal wIth It very swIftly, she told MPs.