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ould the relatIonshIp have been as passIonate Would ElIzabeth be able to put her emotIons asIde and marry Darcy anywayThere are many books wrItten whIch usually stIck to the essence of the classIc story PrIde and PrejudIce. The storIes are rewrItten In such a way as to keep all readers of romantIc fIctIon novels enthralled by the lIves of ElIzabeth and Darcy and although some of the sItuatIons are changed the characters remaIn exactly the same.There are numerous romantIc fIctIon authors nowadays that keep us enchanted by thIs relatIonshIp and despIte veerIng slIghtly from the orIgInal story, Darcy and ElIzabeth always end up together and passIonate about one another.
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